
Advanced Modularization: API/IMPL vs API/DI


Once a project reaches a certain size, the need to modularize becomes crucial for many reasons but especially to keep the codebase maintainable and scalable.

Let’s explore two ways to modularize our codebase: API/IMPL and API/DI.

Use Case

Let’s look at a use case of two Services that need each other, a Logger service that needs to send logs over the network and an Network service that needs to log its requests.

graph LR
L[Logger] -->|Send logs to server| N[Network]
N -->|Log network requests| L

We’re clearly in a circular dependency here, so we need to break it.

ℹ️ Circular dependency is not the only reason to modularize, as there are many others. Reducing incremental build-time is a big one, but also to enforce separation of concerns, to make the codebase more maintainable, and to make it easier to test.


Also called “interface modules” or “APIs on Implementations”, those interfaces are the public API of a service to all the rest of the codebase, so every module that needs that service will depend on the API module of said service.

Every Service is split into two modules:

  • the API module, containing the interface of the service
  • the IMPL module, containing the implementation of the service

We’ll be able to break the circular dependency by creating a Logger API and a Network API, and then have the Logger IMPL depend on the Network API, and the Network IMPL depend on the Logger API.

graph BT
    subgraph Service Modules
        direction BT
    A --> B
    A --> D
    C --> D
    C --> B

In terms of code of the Logger service for example, the API module logger-api will contain the following interface:

interface Logger {
    fun log(message: String)

And the Logger implementation module logger-impl will contain the following class:

class LoggerImpl @Inject constructor(
    private val network: Network,
): Logger {
    override fun log(message: String){
        // log the message and send to the network through the network service

It looks fine, but let’s look at the whole picture with an app module and two features, a dashboard feature, and a settings feature that depend on the Logger and Network API services:

graph BT
    subgraph Service Modules
        direction BT

    A -->|1| B
    A -->|3| D
    C -->|2| D
    C -->|4| B

    subgraph Feature Modules
    Dashboard -->|5| B
    Dashboard -->|6| D
    Settings -->|7| B
    Settings -->|8| D
    subgraph App Modules
    App -->|9| A 
    App -->|10| B
    App -->|11| C
    App -->|12| D
    App -->|13| Dashboard
    App -->|14| Settings

Here’s an explanation for each dependency:

  1. The Logger IMPL depends on the Logger API, as it implements it
  2. The Network IMPL depends on the Network API, as it implements it
  3. The Logger IMPL depends on the Network API, as it sends logs over the network
  4. The Network IMPL depends on the Logger API, as it logs network requests
  5. The Dashboard feature depends on the Logger API, as it logs
  6. The Dashboard feature depends on the Network API, as it sends network requests
  7. The Settings feature depends on the Logger API, as it logs
  8. The Settings feature depends on the Network API, as it sends network requests
  9. The App depends on the Logger IMPL, as it needs to provide its implementation to other modules
  10. The App depends on the Logger API, as it needs it to compile
  11. The App depends on the Network IMPL, as it needs to provide its implementation to other modules
  12. The App depends on the Network API, as it needs it to compile
  13. The App depends on the Dashboard feature, as it needs to provide to present the feature to the user
  14. The App depends on the Settings feature, as it needs to provide to present the feature to the user

This already looks quite messy, and we only have two services and two features.

Imagine having a dozen services and a dozen features, or more! 😱

ℹ️ It is true that thanks to the Gradle/AGP api() function for dependencies we could remove the 10th and 12th dependencies, as the Logger and Network API modules will be brought to the app through their implementations but this doesn’t simplify much the graph, and I’d agree that it actually hides some part of the complexity.


APIs on DI (Dependency Injection) means that instead of having a public API that every module can depend on, each module will declare for itself what are its own needs as interfaces and the app module will provide the implementations, making the bridge between those needs and the implementations.

If we look at the circular dependency problem with the Logger and Network services, we would solve it through API/DI like this:

graph BT
    subgraph Service Modules
        subgraph Logger
            direction TB
        subgraph Network
            direction TB
        A -->|Injected with| B
        C -->|Injected with| D
    subgraph Apps Modules
        subgraph App
            direction TB
            subgraph Dependency Injection Boilerplate
                direction LR
                E[LoggerNetworkSender] -->|Binds to| NetworkImpl
                F[NetworkRequestsLogger] -->|Binds to| LoggerImpl
    App -->|depends on module| Logger
    App -->|depends on module| Network

What is going on here?

The LoggerImpl class is injected with a LoggerNetworkSender interface (placed in its own module) without any dependency on the Network module.

The NetworkImpl class is injected with a NetworkRequestsLogger interface (placed in its own module) without any dependency on the Logger module.

The app module is responsible for providing the implementations of those interfaces to the Logger and Network modules and does it through Dependency Injection by binding the LoggerNetworkSender to the NetworkImpl and the NetworkRequestsLogger to the LoggerImpl.

Let’s look at the whole dependency graph in terms of modules only, with the Dashboard and Settings features:

graph BT
    subgraph Service Modules
    subgraph Feature Modules
    subgraph Apps Modules
    App --> Logger
    App --> Network
    App --> Dashboard
    App --> Settings

Every module becomes completely independent and isolated from the others, at the price of defining an interface for every dependency, which was not needed in the API/IMPL approach, so API/DI could result in a considerable amount of boilerplate code.

The main advantage here is that on every change in every module, only the module itself and the app module will be recompiled! 🚀

Also, since each module defines its own dependencies to other modules via interfaces only, those interfaces will contain functions and properties that are actually used by the module, and nothing else, which means no unintended knowledge/access sharing and no need to mock functions and properties that are never used by the module in tests, which enforces Interface Segregation Principle, the I in SOLID.

Imagine a Feature Flag Module where in API/IMPL all feature flags are accessible in one interface to all. This can cause issues if a developer uses the wrong feature flag (we’re all humans!). In API/DI, the Feature Flag Module will not be accessible from every module, only from the app module, which will provide the right feature flag to the right module.

ℹ️ Thanks to Srđan Stanić for mentioning the Interface Segregation Principle!


Both approaches are valid and have their pros and cons. The API/IMPL approach is more straightforward and easier to understand, but it quickly becomes a mess when the number of modules grows. The API/DI approach creates boilerplate code but scale much better and reduces meaningfully the incremental build-time.

Personally after using for two years the API/IMPL approach, I’m now leaning towards the API/DI approach, as I find it much better for reducing incremental build-time and making testing much easier.

What do you think of those two approaches? Do you have a preference?

Let me know on in the comments!

Cheers! 🥂

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